Infant Program

At Sunshine Daycare, we understand that the first year of life is crucial for a child’s development. Our Infant Program is designed to provide a nurturing, safe, and stimulating environment for your baby to grow and thrive. With experienced caregivers and a low child-to-teacher ratio, we ensure personalized attention and care for each infant in our program.


Personalized Care and Attention

Every baby is unique, and we tailor our daily routines to meet the specific needs of each infant. From individualized feeding schedules to nap times, we closely follow your baby’s routine to maintain consistency and comfort. Our caregivers work closely with parents to ensure that your baby’s development is supported both at daycare and at home.

Sensory Exploration and Motor Skills Development

Our program emphasizes sensory exploration, where infants are encouraged to interact with age-appropriate toys and materials that help develop their motor skills and cognitive abilities. We offer a variety of activities such as tummy time, music, and storytelling, which promote early language development, hand-eye coordination, and muscle strengthening.


Safe and Stimulating Environment

Sunshine Daycare’s infant rooms are designed to be both cozy and engaging. We take every precaution to ensure a safe environment where your baby can explore freely. The space is equipped with soft surfaces, baby-proofed play areas, and soothing colors to create a calming atmosphere.

Infant Milestone Tracking

We carefully monitor each infant’s developmental milestones such as crawling, sitting up, and beginning to talk. We believe in the importance of both physical and cognitive development, and our infant program is designed to encourage growth in all areas.

Blog milestones

Parental Involvement

We value parent partnerships and work closely with families to ensure that their baby’s needs are met. Through regular communication, daily reports, and meetings, we ensure that parents are always informed about their baby’s activities and growth.

At Sunshine Daycare, we are dedicated to providing the highest level of care for your infant. We invite you to tour our facilities and meet our caring staff. Contact us today to learn more about how our Infant Program can provide a loving and enriching environment for your baby.