
Sunshine Daycare

As parents and caregivers, our top priority is keeping our children safe, especially in the comfort of our own homes. Yet, household accidents are one of the leading causes of injuries for young children. From slips and falls to accidental poisonings, many of these incidents happen in everyday environments. But what if there was one simple trick that could help prevent most of these accidents?

At Sunshine Daycare, we take safety seriously, and we want to share a simple but highly effective tip to dramatically reduce the risk of accidents at home: childproofing your home using the “Hazard Scan” method.

This method involves regularly scanning your home for potential hazards and proactively eliminating them. Let’s break it down step by step.

Step 1: Get on Your Child’s Level

The first step in the Hazard Scan method is to see the world from your child’s perspective—literally! Get down on your hands and knees and look around the room. What do you see? Are there sharp corners, exposed electrical outlets, or small objects that could be choking hazards? By lowering yourself to your child’s height, you can spot hazards that may not be obvious when standing.

This step is crucial because it helps you identify potential dangers specific to your child’s age and stage of development. A crawling baby, for example, may be more prone to exploring electrical cords or loose items on the floor, while a toddler might reach for higher objects or open cabinets.

Step 2: Secure and Block Off Dangerous Areas

Once you’ve identified potential hazards, it’s time to secure or block them off. Some of the most common household accidents happen when children access areas they shouldn’t, such as the kitchen or bathroom. Install childproof locks on cabinets containing cleaning supplies, medications, and sharp objects. Use baby gates to block off stairways or rooms that pose a risk.

At Sunshine Daycare, we ensure all hazardous areas are out of reach or secured so that children can explore safely within their environment. You can apply the same principle at home to prevent accidents.

Step 3: Install Safety Devices

There are numerous safety devices designed specifically to childproof your home. For example, outlet covers prevent little fingers from exploring electrical sockets, and corner guards help cushion sharp edges on tables and counters. Anti-tip straps on furniture like dressers and bookshelves can prevent them from toppling over if a child tries to climb.

These small additions can have a big impact on safety, reducing the chances of accidents happening in high-risk areas.

Step 4: Tidy Up and Declutter

One of the simplest ways to prevent accidents is by keeping your home tidy. Loose toys, cords, and clutter can easily become tripping hazards, especially for toddlers who are just learning to walk. Make it a habit to tidy up at the end of each day, putting away toys, securing cords, and ensuring pathways are clear.

A clean and organized home is not only safer but also provides a calmer environment for both children and parents.

Step 5: Educate Your Child About Safety

As your child grows, it’s important to teach them about safety. This includes understanding why certain items are off-limits or why they should avoid dangerous areas like the kitchen when cooking is happening. While childproofing provides a protective barrier, educating your child helps them develop their own sense of safety and awareness.

At Sunshine Daycare, we teach children basic safety rules that they can apply at home, such as never touching electrical outlets or asking for help when they need something out of reach.

Step 6: Perform Regular Hazard Scans

As your child grows and their abilities change, so will the risks in your home. That’s why it’s essential to perform regular Hazard Scans. Every few months, go through your home and reassess the environment. Has your toddler started climbing? It might be time to secure taller furniture. Is your baby becoming more mobile? Check for smaller objects that could pose choking hazards.

By staying proactive, you can continually adapt your home to keep it safe at every stage of your child’s development.


Preventing accidents at home doesn’t require an expensive overhaul or complex strategies. The simple trick of performing regular Hazard Scans, combined with childproofing key areas, can prevent up to 90% of household accidents. At Sunshine Daycare, we believe that creating a safe environment is one of the most effective ways to protect our children.

Take a moment today to scan your home and make those small but powerful changes that can keep your family safe and happy!

Stay safe with these simple steps from Sunshine Daycare.